It's still a risk if you cure Bleeding that way, but at least you'll be infected and NOT bleeding.

Certain bushes, flower pots and carts can now be used as hiding spots, for all your comic-stealth needs.Male machines only so far female machines will come in a later update. Compliment machines have been added throughout the Village! These creepy robots love telling you exactly what they think of you the only issue is, they have very loud voices.You’ll need to find the maps to track down the dig spots though. Dig spots have been fully refactored, with many new spots added! Across each island, a range of dig spots are available to be dug with your trusty shovel.This applies whether you are on Permadeath or not. Instead of “dying” and waking up in the dying state, you now just fall into the dying state as your health/needs gets low. You may know these guys from such encounters as Shibboleth, and now they roam free. Hooligans will now patrol the Garden District at night, and guard some water pumps all the time.Plague Wastrels roam the Garden District.The Peeper has arrived in the Village! These little mobile alarms are quite shocking.Having said that, with the new region system, we expect a bunch of visible bugs to exist (although these shouldn’t affect gameplay or block your progress). A number of generation bugs have been fixed, so there should be fewer instances of filler buildings overlapping with encounters or interactive houses.This helps us control the loading experience a bit better. Bridges have been refactored to require you to “open” the gate to go through to the next island.Scavenger cars should no longer spawn very close to one another.As a result, Garden District 1 island is now unintentionally shaped like a dick 70% of the time.It is a little empty for now, but this will change. Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress. Regions such as hamlets, forests, meadows, etc will be dotted around the place, as opposed to the island consisting of just one big town. Support for regions in the Garden District has been added.The in-game music has been redone, allowing for better blending and more variation and combinations across the various states of the game (suspicion, combat, Joy/non Joy, etc).

Procedural music has been implemented.Permadeath remains available as an option for all three playstyles.Vigilante: Hunger/thirst intense, game does not pause in the inventory or shops, delay on equip, more dangerous NPCs.Downer: Hunger/thirst at normal levels, game does not pause in menu but items will instantly equip, normal resources/NPC threat.Birdwatcher: No hunger/thirst, game pauses in the menu, items are instantly equip, NPCs are easier to kill and aren’t as bloodthirsty, more resources (only partially integrated more to come on this).This is a first pass implementation and will evolve over time: While these settings affect difficulty, they vary gameplay more significantly.

Playstyles have arrived! When starting a new game, players can now choose the Birdwatcher, Downer or Vigilante Playstyles.(“Holm” is an old British word for an island in a river, by the way.) Read the in-game newspaper for more information. New island! The long-awaited second island of the Village of Hamlyn has arrived: Maidenholm.
We’ll look forward to hearing from you, so please feel free to reply here, on the Compulsion forums, or on your social media of choice. We are particularly interested in feedback on the new loot balancing, the playstyles and the general level of difficulty inside Wellington Wells. We would love to receive your feedback on what you like or don’t like.
You can read the patch notes below, or check out our update video here. It represents the biggest change to the meta gameplay of We Happy Few since we launched on Games in Development, and potentially the biggest since we made permadeath optional in 2015. The Maidenholm Update is an exciting collection of new content that drastically changes the way We Happy Few is played. We are delighted to present to you: The Maidenholm Update for We Happy Few!